WikiDex:Proyecto Manga/Imágenes sin categorizar
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Generado el 09/07/2024
select CONCAT('| [[Archivo:', filepage.page_title, '|120x120px]]<br/>', filepage.page_title, ' || ', COALESCE(CONCAT('[[', GROUP_CONCAT(linkpage.page_title SEPARATOR ']], [['), ']]'), '')) from categorylinks join page filepage on filepage.page_id = cl_from left join imagelinks on il_to = filepage.page_title and il_from_namespace = 0 left join page linkpage on linkpage.page_id = il_from where cl_to = 'Scan' and cl_type = 'file' and (select count(*) from categorylinks clall where clall.cl_from = filepage.page_id) = 1 group by filepage.page_title INTO OUTFILE '/var/lib/mysql-files/sincategorizar-manga.txt' FIELDS TERMINATED BY '#' ENCLOSED BY '' LINES TERMINATED BY '\n|-\n' ;